The Win32 Registry Editor’s Registry menu provides the Save Key and Restore commands. These commands offer the same functionality as the Import Registry File and Export Registry File commands in the Registry Editor. However, the Win32 Registry Editor doesn’t support the REG format, so you must save and restore files in a binary format. The Registry Editor also lets you perform searches with the Find command.

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This is why Regshot, an open-source registry compare utility, makes it to the top of this list of registry tools. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a PC guru to gain the benefits of registry tweaks. Several tools can simplify the registry, and help you find and repair any issues that might be causing problems for your computer.

Hard Disk Errorr

You can view and preview listed files in the middle of scanning. The Free Edition and Standard Edition can also load files with this feature to let you test if files can be found by the feature. To output files found by this feature needs the Professional Edition. Select the damaged disk as source disk and choose a health disk as the destination disk. Then choose a solution on how to deal with bad sectors.

The Windows Repair developer strongly suggests you should boot your PC in Safe Mode for maximum effect. The Windows Repair tool has its own Reboot to Safe Mode button for a quick reboot.

Clean up Prematurely Removed Software Registry Entries

All you need to do is access the category related to your problem, and there is a good chance your problem will be listed here. Here in the Windows Recovery Environment, click on Startup Repair and confirm the prompt. Windows will then scan and automatically fix any startup related problems if possible. Windows has a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically detect a problem and solve it, or at least let you know the solution.

When to use the Windows registry

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